Construction has started on two of the 11 projects awarded to the Town of Greece in Monroe County through the Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative.
Currently, many homes on Lakeshore Drive are subject to flooding because they do not have adequate protection against high water conditions. During flood events, stormwater ponds on the roadway and floods basements.
The $2 million REDI grant-funded Lakeshore Drive project will replace and improve the existing stormwater conveyance infrastructure and help to mitigate the effects of stormwater intrusion.
Resiliency and revitalization measures for the Lakeshore Drive project breaking ground include: Replacing the existing stormwater system with larger diameter piping; Construction of new storm sewer outlets with control valves; Larger catch basins and bypass pipes allowing more effective pumping operations during high water; Installation of new storm clean outs for each property, allowing residents to tie into an appropriately designed storm sewer; and Replacement and elevation of controls for the Lakeshore Drive Pump Station to improve resiliency.
In addition, construction is underway on a $1.2 million flood-protection project at Channel Park. The project will mitigate flooding issues in and along Long Pond Outlet and Channel Park, located between Long Pond and Lake Ontario. Recurring inundation due to high lake levels pose an ongoing threat to infrastructure in the vicinity of Long Pond Outlet, making these areas inaccessible to residents and emergency personnel, as well as causing deterioration to nearby Edgemere Drive. During high water events, Channel Park, a neighborhood space serving approximately 300 homes, becomes submerged. The flooding negatively impacts the park and playground equipment and leaves the Lake Shore Fire District boat launch unusable, compromising emergency response capabilities.
Resiliency and revitalization measures for the Channel Park project include: Installation of a masonry floodwall to 251 feet elevation, to hold back flood waters and function as a park amenity; Relocation and installation of new playground equipment above flood level to protect it from water damage and ensure use continuity even during high water events; Improvements to storm drainage system, including a control valve and bypass pipe for more effective flood control; and Relocation of parking lot for improved road access and more safe and efficient distribution of sand bags during future flood events.