Construction underway on pedestrian connector to Niagara Falls State Park

USA Niagara (USAN) Development Corp. and New York State Parks say construction is starting on a new pedestrian entry into Niagara Falls State Park.

Located in the city of Niagara Falls at 305 Buffalo Ave., on the corner with Third St., the entry goes through a one-acre-plus vacant parcel purchased by USAN. The $682,000 project will be publicly owned and maintained.

The project consists of the construction of a 6-ft.-wide asphalt pathway through the USAN-owned property, a steel stairway down a 28-ft. grade change into the park, an asphalt pathway connection to the riverway path system along the upper Niagara River rapids, and pathway lighting.

The connector will allow easier access for residents, business and visitors from the Buffalo Avenue Heritage District to the Niagara River and the American Rapids.

Future development of the site will be conducted through a request for proposals process.

USAN is a subsidiary of Empire State Development Corp.


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