DOB requests applications for Electrical Code and Interpretation Committee

2018 Electrical Code Revision Cycle Handbook
Cover of the 2018 Electrical Code Revision Cycle Handbook (NYC DOB)

The NYC Department of Buildings has been inviting members of the construction, real estate, labor, architectural and engineering communities to submit membership applications for the Electrical Code and Interpretation Committee.

Six technical committees function under the ECIC. They are responsible for the following areas: wiring methods and materials; wiring protection, switchboards and panels; equipment for general use; special occupancies and equipment; fire pumps and alarms and special conditions; and remote control, signaling and power.

The technical committees are responsible for reviewing and developing amendments to the 2014 New York City Electrical Code. Proposed changes should meet both national and city standards. The draft will be evaluated by the managing committee, before it is submitted to city council for approval.

These committees meet regularly, with members expected to be present in all sessions. Likewise, the DOB will not provide compensation for committee work. Serving as an ECIC member is voluntary, and lasts for approximately one year.

Administrative provisions will also be reviewed by these ECIC committees, but only to an advisory capacity. Only the managing committee can make amendments to these regulations. This body includes the chairs, co-chairs of the technical committees, and representatives from various industries and stakeholder organizations. Membership to this committee is based on performance, and is not open for applications.


To be considered for membership, a completed application form and other requirements must be submitted by January 25, 2018. It is available on the DOB website.


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