Extensive agenda set for New York Build 2025 Expo, with more than 500 speakers

new york build web page

New York Construction Report staff writer

Organizers of New York Build 2025 Expo have launched an extensive agenda for the two-day program next March.

The Javitz Center event on March 12 and 13 “offers the unique opportunity to learn from 500+ of the most experienced and insightful speakers from the top contractors, architects, developers, civil engineers, realtors, brokers and government agencies from New York,” says a note on the conference website. “Topics vary from digital construction to sustainability, real estate, DEI and much more.”

Maxwell Kelly, responsible for marketing and promotion for Build Expo, says “we’ve actually launched our conference agenda topics for 2025 with two new tracks being implemented.”

“These are the ‘Tall Buildings and Skyscrapers’ and ‘International Business’ stages,” he said. “The agenda can be found here: https://www.newyorkbuildexpo.com/conference-agenda-2025.”

From the agenda, here are the panel discussions scheduled for the first block of time on the first day of the conference, 10:00 a.m. on March 12:

Conference exhibiting information is available here: https://www.newyorkbuildexpo.com/book-a-booth

To register your interest in attending, see: https://www.newyorkbuildexpo.com/submit-your-interest


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