New York State will pay for innovative ideas to spike EV use


New York Construction Report staff writer

A new $12 million program announced this week will support development and demonstration of solutions to increase electric vehicle adoption and the integration of electric vehicles with the electric grid and medium- and heavy-duty electric and hydrogen fuel cell technologies.

Awards of up to $3 million each will be granted for product development and demonstrations of technologies and business models that help reduce energy demand peaks and provide grid benefits through managed charging/discharging that will lower the overall cost of necessary electric grid infrastructure upgrades.

Concept papers for consideration for full proposal submission under this new initiative will be accepted through 3:00 p.m. on Sept. 12, 2023. For those selected to move forward, the deadline for full proposal submission is November 8, 2023. A second round of funding may be issued in early 2024 if all funds are not awarded in the first round. To learn more, please register for the informational webinar on Aug. 15 at 11 a.m. For additional information and documents, visit NYSERDA’s website.

“As New York continues to advance toward a zero-emission future, it’s imperative that we continue to improve the affordability of clean transportation ownership as we scale up a resilient and reliable energy grid,” Gov. Kathy Hochul said in a statement. “This $12 million initiative offers an innovative way to do both — exploring and supporting options for vehicle charging infrastructure that also provides energy back to the grid.

“We are committed to making it possible for both residents and companies to transition to owning and charging electric vehicles — building a greener future for all.”

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) will administer the program to:

  • advance well-managed electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and reduced grid integration costs;
  • encourage of EV ownership for residential consumers and commercial fleet managers;
  • Spur research and innovation that supports widespread deployment of EVs; and
  • Demonstrate medium- and heavy-duty vehicle electrification, either through fuel-cell electric vehicles or standard battery operated EVs.

“Integrating electric vehicles with the grid gives new meaning to the saying, ‘it’s a two-way street’ with energy flowing in both directions and vehicles increasingly becoming an asset to the grid,” said NYSERDA President and CEO Doreen M. Harris. “Through this initiative, we are driving the development of technology solutions and research that will advance a cleaner grid and cleaner air, while improving the economics of electrifying the transportation sector.”

New York State aims to rapidly remove barriers to economy-wide electric vehicle deployment including advancing equitable access to clean transportation in historically marginalized communities which face disproportionate air pollution and health impacts from tailpipe emissions and pollution.


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