Osborn Street Plaza project in Brooklyn recognized by Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure


New York Construction Report staff writer

The Osborn Street Plaza project in Brownsville, Brooklyn has received an “Envision Verified Award” for sustainability from the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI). New York City’s Department of Design and Construction (DDC) is managing the project for the city’s Department of Transportation (DOT), and the plaza will be maintained by the Brownsville Community Justice Center (BCJC).

Construction of $2.3 million project will start in March and is projected to be completed by summer 2025.

“The Osborn Street Plaza Project demonstrates how a section of under-used public space can be thoughtfully reimagined as a community asset with high regard for sustainability and resiliency,” said Kristi Wamstad, ISI verification director. “ISI congratulates the NYC Department of Design and Construction, the NYC Department of Transportation and all of the project partners on the success of this project.”

Work will reconstruct the dead-end segment of Osborn Street south of Belmont Avenue, turning it into a pedestrian plaza with a raised intersection to calm traffic in the area, and will include new pavement, sidewalks, curbs, streetlights and landscaping. The plaza will include bike racks and benches, granite seat blocks, raised trapezoidal planters, moveable chairs and tables with umbrellas and an accommodation for a potential future kiosk. The plaza will provide direct pedestrian access to the NYCHA Langston Hughes Houses.

Sustainability and resiliency features will include the installation of two new bioswales and five catch basins, to better manage stormwater. The new trees, shade furniture and the change in paving from asphalt to concrete will reduce the negative heat island effect.

DDC’s Phase II of Broad Channel Infrastructure Project in Queens, East Side Coastal Resiliency project and Starlight Park projects have previously received Envision Awards.


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