New York Construction Report staff writer
The City of Rochester has released an active transportation plan (ATP), designed to improve safety and accessibility, especially for people with disabilities, minorities, low-income residents, and those without cars. This plan will guide the work to fully integrate walking, biking, and accessibility into everyday decision making and long-term investment planning. The plan is now available at
The plan was created with a coalition of neighborhood representatives and over 1,000 people providing input.
“This plan will benefit some of our most underserved and vulnerable populations and will guide the City as it builds toward a greener future,” said Mayor Malik. D. Evans. “I’m proud of the job our community has done in creating a very thoughtful and inclusive plan, and commend our team for the robust public engagement used to develop it.”
There are three main goals: traffic safety, accessibility and transportation options with 182 recommended projects to improve pedestrian, accessibility, and bicycle infrastructure.
Highlights include:
- 29 pedestrian focused projects
- 17 miles of safety focused pedestrian improvements
- 61 miles of spine bike network (43 new miles, 18 already exist)
- 25% of city streets covered in priority areas targeted for further planning efforts
- The effort builds on other City transportation projects that are completed or currently underway, such as the Rochester 2034 and the Bicycle Boulevard plans.
To learn more visit