New York Construction Report staff writer
A siting permit has been issued to Moraine Solar Energy Center, LLC, for EDF Renewables North America to develop, design, construct, operate, maintain, and decommission a 94-megawatt solar facility in the Town of Burns, Allegany County.
The solar facility is expected to generate enough clean energy to power over 25,000 New York homes and reduce carbon emissions by over 130,000 metric tons, which is equivalent to taking nearly 29,000 cars off the road.
This site is expected to create more than 130 full-time equivalent jobs during construction and operation.
ORES conducted detailed, transparent, site- and project-specific environmental reviews for these 13 siting permits, with robust public participation, including consideration of nearly 2,300 public and municipal comments, to ensure that the proposed facilities meet or exceed the requirements of Executive Law § 94-c and its implementing regulations.
“ORES is well-positioned to help achieve New York State’s nation-leading clean energy objectives, while ensuring the protection of the environment and consideration of all pertinent social, economic, and environmental factors,” said ORES Executive Director Houtan Moaveni.
For a majority of the 13 permitted facilities, host municipalities, applicants, and ORES took a collaborative, consent-based approach that resolved local concerns without the need for a full administrative hearing process. Local agencies and community groups had access to over $2.1 million of funding to facilitate their participation in the permitting process.
As projects proceed, ORES will continue to work collaboratively with the host municipalities and community stakeholders throughout the construction phase.
New York State’s climate agenda calls for an “orderly and just transition” that creates family-sustaining jobs, continues fostering a green economy across all sectors and ensures that at least 35 percent, with a goal of 40 percent, of the benefits of clean energy investments are directed to disadvantaged communities.