City of Jamestown announces more than 100 road construction projects

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The City of Jamestown has released a list of more than 100 infrastructure and public facility improvement projects, totaling several million dollars in value, that are scheduled to take place during the 2018 construction season.

The activities included in this year’s program are all scheduled to be completed by the end of the summer-fall season, depending on the weather, the flow of state funding, contractor availability and the changing price of construction materials.

“The rebuilding and maintenance of our streets, infrastructure and public facilities are among the most basic and necessary functions of local government.  I have always believed that such improvements not only add to the safety, appearance and value of our residential neighborhoods and commercial areas, but they also have a positive impact on the way both local residents and visitors view and feel about our community,” Mayor Sam Teresi said in a prepared statement.

Here is a list of activities which are part of the city’s multi-year planning process:

Major construction projects

– Allen Park Glen stabilization improvements

– Cedar Ave.

– Diethrick Park – Soap Box Derby Track upgrades

– Dow Park – concrete walkway

– East Third St. parking lot upgrades

– Greater Jamestown Riverwalk – Installation of pedestrian bridges (2)

– Greater Jamestown Riverwalk – Phase V – McCrea Point Boatlanding to Clifton Avenue

– Kenmore Ave. – Huxley St. to McDaniel Ave.

– Kenmore Ave. – Storm water detention pond installation

– Marvin Pkwy. drainage improvements – Hotchkiss St. to Lakeview Ave.

– Monroe St – West Eighth St. to Isabella Ave.

– North Main St. – Bridge to First St. (County)

– North Main St. – First St. to Second St. (BPU)

– Osborn St. right of way – storm water drainage improvements

– South Main Street Bridge – (County, New York State)

– Veterans Park – parking lot construction

– West Fourth St. – Washington Street to Lafayette St.

– West Second St. – Washington Street to Jefferson St.

Mill and/or overlay projects

– Baker St. – Newland Ave. to City Line (County)

– Broadhead Ave. – Cole Ave. to Newland Ave.

– Buffalo St. – Arlington Ave. to Sturges St.

– Cherry St. – West Second St. to West Fourth St.

– Fairmount Ave. – Whitley Ave. to Hall Ave.

– Falconer St. – Lakeview Ave. to Winsor St.

– Ivy St. – Cole Ave. to Foote Ave.

– Kelsey Pl. – Palmer St. to dead end

– Marvin Pkwy. – Hotchkiss St. to Lakeview Ave.

– N. Main St. – First Street to Sixth St.

– N. Main St. – West Oak Hill Rd. to Buffalo St.

– Phillips St. – Falconer St. to Haywood St.

– Pine St. – East Third St. to East Fourth St.

– Porter Ave. – Front St. to West Third St.

– Prather Ave. – Broadhead Ave. to Prospect St.

– Strong St. – Lakeview Ave. to brick

– West Fourth St. – Monroe St. to West Third St.

– Weeks St. – Towner Ave. to Marvin Pkwy.

– Whitehill Ave. – Cole Ave. to Hazeltine Ave.

– Whitehill Ave. – South Ave. to Smith Ave.

– Willard St. – Winsor St. to City Line (County)

Nova chip projects

– Broadhead Ave. – Kidder St. to Prather Ave.

– Broadhead Ave. – South Ave. to Smith Ave.

– Camp Street – Foote Avenue to Elm Street

– Charles St. – Elliott Ave. to Hazeltine Ave.

– East Fifth St. – East Second St. to Church St.

– English St. – Allen St. to King St.

– Hallock St. – West Third St. to Newland Ave.

– Lakeview Ave. – Buffalo St. to Newton Ave.

– Newland Ave. – West Virginia Blvd. to Foote Ave.

– Newton Ave. – Weeks St. to Buffalo St.

– West Eighth St. – Monroe St. to Washington St.

– West Virginia Blvd – Camp St to brick

Repair and chip seal projects

– Barr St. – Charlotte Ave. to Gustavus Ave

– Bigelow Ave. – Hopkins Ave. to dead end

– Chapman St. – Mount Vernon Pl. to dead end

– Charlotte Ave. – Margaret St. to dead end

– Clinton St. – Eighth St. to dead end

– Colfax St. – Hazeltine Ave. to Newland Ave.

– Cowing St. – Falconer St. to Frink Ave.

– Crestline Dr. – Pardee Ave. to Swan St.

– Elizabeth Ave. – West Virginia Blvd. to Springdale Ave.

– Elm St. – Pullman St. to Ahrens Ave.

– Forest Park – Forest Ave. to dead end

– Hazzard St. – South Ave. to Montauk Ave.

– Hickory St. – Ahrens Ave. to Shaw Ave.

– Langford St. – Hamilton St. to West End

– Lind Alley – Tower St. to Bemus St.

– Lindwood St.  – Marion St. to dead end

– Niagara St. – Margaret St. to dead end

– Norwood Ave. – Newland Ave. to McKinley Ave.

– Oak St. – Hunter St. to Shaw Ave.

– Orchard St. – Winsor St. to dead end

– Phillips St. – Falconer St. to Haywood St.

– Sabin Ave. – South Main St. to Ivy St.

– Shirley Ln. – Fairmount Ave. to Nordland Park

– Smith Ave. – Whitehill Ave. to Myrtle St.

– Williams St. – Mount Vernon Pl. to dead end

Repair and slurry seal projects

– Allen St. – Maple St. to Foote Ave.

– Arcade Ave. – Sampson St. to Chautauqua Ave.

– Brad St. – Foote Ave. to Martin Rd.

– Chadwick St. – Newland Ave. to LaSalle Ave.

– Chambers St. – Chautauqua Ave. to brick

– Chandler St. – Foote Ave. to Winsor St.

– Chautauqua Ave. – South Ave. to Hazeltine Ave.

– Cole Ave. – Foote Ave. to Howard St.

– Colfax St. – Chambers St. to Wilson Pl.

– Connecticut Ave. – Baker St. to Cityview Ave.

– East Fourth St. – Spring St. to North Main St.

– Fairview Ave. – Fairmount Ave. to Harding Ave.

– Falconer St. – Niagara St. to Aldren Ae.

– Hall Ave. – Fairmount Ave. to brick

– Hebner St. – Camp St. to English St.

– Jewel Pl. – Hazeltine Ave. to Cole Ave.

– Lee Ave. – Chautauqua Ave. to brick

– Ohio St. – Summit Ave. to Palmer St

– Osborne St. – Cole Ave. to Hazeltine Ave.

– Park Ln. – State St. to Delaware Ave.

– Phillips St. – East Second St. to Falconer St.

– Pine St. – E. Fifth St. to E. Sixth St.

– Prendergast Ave. – E. Third St. to Newton Ave.

– Summit Ave. – Baker St. to Chautauqua Ave.

Brick street preservation projects

– Barrows St. – Willard St. to Scioto St.

– Newton Ave. – Prendergast Ave. to Lakeview Ave.

– Spring St. – East Eight St. to Crossman St.

– Wilson Pl. – Prendergast Ave. to Lakeview Ave.


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