City of Ithaca extends downtown revitalization initiative call for projects to Aug. 21


New York Construction Report staff writer

The City of Ithaca is preparing a new application to the New York State Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI).

If awarded, $10 million would be allocated for projects in downtown Ithaca intended to spur revitalization and community vibrancy.

The city launched an open call for projects on July 3 and the deadline to submit projects has been extended to Aug. 21 at 5pm. Also, the in-person public meeting scheduled for Aug. 19 has been rescheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 5:30pm at the Tompkins County Public Library.

Organizations, businesses, and entities planning capital investments within the designated DRI boundary are encouraged to submit an Ithaca DRI Project Form by Wednesday, Aug. 21 at 5 pm. This form, along with helpful background information, is available at the application website:

Submitted projects will be reviewed by the application steering committee and the community will have an opportunity to provide feedback on eligible projects via an online survey and the September 10th public meeting. The steering committee will then select a set of projects to include within the DRI application.

“The City of Ithaca and its consulting team have decided to extend the DRI call for projects. We are thrilled with the projects that have already come forward and believe that this additional time will allow for the strongest possible set of projects to be included in the City’s DRI application,” Mayor Robert Cantelmo said in a sstatement.

The city will also continue to accept public input on the application website through several polls and surveys.


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