City unveils plans $80 million renovation of John Finley Walk

New York City plans to rehabilitate John Finley Walk, the promenade above the FDR Drive between E. 81st and E. 90th streets.

The $80-million project will bring needed state of good repair improvements to the 1930s top-level structure.

“John Finley Walk is an incredible spot to take a stroll and enjoy the waterfront,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a statement. “These infrastructure improvements will ensure New Yorkers will be able to enjoy this beautiful promenade for generations to come.”

The project, which is being managed by the Department of Transportation on behalf of NYC Parks, will implement structural repairs to the underside of the deck, repair walls along the roadway, and replace concrete girders. It will also make important upgrades, eliminating uneven surfaces, improving drainage, replacing the pedestrian railings, and replacing street lighting and benches along the entire span.


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