Construction of a new Port Authority bus terminal to replace the current midtown Manhattan structure could start as early as 2024, a project consultant told a public hearing on June 23.
“It will take eight years to build, starting in 2024 with a temporary bus terminal and ramps,” said WSP consultant Graham Trelstad. “It will open in 2028 and construction will begin in the main terminal.”
He said that phase of the project will take another four years and plans call for a permanent bus terminal to open in 2031. In addition, the temporary bus terminal will be converted to its permanent use as a terminal to get interstate buses off city streets that now make curbside passenger pick up, and for bus storage, quoted him as saying.
There are plans for four proposed towers to be built above the terminal. Core structures would be included in the more immediate construction, to be built out later a technique the Port Authority used building the remaining World Trade Center towers after Tower One was built.
The Port Authority envisages there would be three commercial towers and one would be constructed for mixed and residential use. reports that the public hearings are being held to satisfy Environmental Impact Statement requirements of the Federal Transit Administration, which could lead to federal funding for the bus terminal
Emailed and written comments will be taken on the project website until July 19.
No property would have to be condemned for the new terminal, answering a major concern from residential and business neighbors. It would provide five floors for buses and 160 passenger gates.
The new terminal design also includes infrastructure for future construction of four high-rise towers over portions of the new bus terminal that could help fund it, through sale of air rights and payments in lieu of taxes shared by the city with the authority.