Ground broken for $7.58 million resiliency project in Sodus Point


Construction has begun on a $7.58 million Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative project in the Village of Sodus Point, Wayne County.

The project will protect public areas, businesses, and homes along Wickham Boulevard and Greig Street from lakeshore flooding.

The groundbreaking comes as a separate $310,000 project to install a dune system with vegetative stabilization at Sodus Point Beach to reduce flooding and improve the recreational and aesthetic values of the beach and surrounding areas. The stabilization of the sand used to build the dunes was achieved with the help of dozens of volunteers that helped plant more than 10,000 grasses.

The project along Wickham Boulevard and Greig St. includes important flood mitigation and water quality protection measures including: replacing and adding storm sewers throughout the area; and installing a seawall to help protect the area from flooding and erosion.

The project also integrates public access and recreation improvements such as: a multi-purpose conceptual design for the shoreline stabilization measures including a bench sitting area along the road for recreational opportunities; and installing new pavements, gutters, curbs, sidewalks to serve as a pedestrian link between the businesses and residential areas.


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