New Rochelle holding public meetings for drainage analysis study


New York Construction Report staff writer

The City of New Rochelle is holding a series of meetings in March and April to update participants on the study of six watersheds.

Last year, the city hired five drainage subconsultants to complete a drainage study to analyze issues in the watershed districts located throughout New Rochelle. A total of six drainage basin areas were reviewed: Burling Brook, Hutchinson, Pinebrook, Sheldrake River, Shoreline, and Stephenson Brook. Input was invited from property owners who had experienced severe flooding and feedback was compiled along with data and hydrologic analyses to identify potential drainage improvements that will be included in a final report.

Consultant Brooker Engineering will give an overview of the process to date for each of the six watersheds at upcoming meetings. All meetings will take place at city hall, 515 North Avenue, in the council chambers starting at 6 p.m. on the following dates:

  • March 22 – Pinebrook
  • March 27 – Shoreline
  • March 30 – Hutchinson
  • April 3 – Burling Brook
  • April 17 – Stephenson Brook
  • April 19 – Sheldrake

An overview of the project including a map of the watersheds can be found at


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