NYC imposes green and solar roof requirements for new buildings and complete roof replacements

green roof image nycdob

Effective on Nov. 15, two New York City (NYC) local laws require require all new buildings – and alterations of existing buildings where the entire existing roof deck or roof assembly is being replaced – to have a sustainable roofing zone covering 100 percent of the roof.

Local Law 92 and Local Law 94 of 2019 require sustainable roofing zone must include a solar photovoltaic system generating at least 4kW, a green roof system, or a combination of the two. “Vertical extensions or horizontal enlargements must also comply with these requirements,” the NYC Department of Buildings (NYCDOB) reports.

Under the laws, NYCDOB outlines the rules as follows:

Filings on or after Nov. 15

All new filings for New Buildings (NB) and Alterations with horizontal or vertical enlargements in the Buildings Information System (BIS) on or after November 15, 2019, must complete a new Required Item on Doc 01 prior to plan approval. Applicants will be required to submit a new Local Law 92/94 of 2019 Solar and Green Roof Systems form certifying their compliance with Local Laws 92 and 94 prior to plan approval.

Filings prior to Nov, 15

All fillings for New Building and Alteration with enlargements that have not been approved by the Department (i.e., Doc 01 has not reached K or P status) by 3:00 p.m. on November 14, 2019, will receive the new Required Item. Applicants will be required to submit the new Local Law 92/94 of 2019 Solar and Green Roof Systems form prior to plan approval.


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