Port Authority seeking construction manager for JFK Redevelopment


The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has issued a request for proposals to solicit bids to provide expert professional construction management for the John F. Kennedy International Airport Redevelopment Program on an “as-needed” basis.

The RFP aims to secure a qualified firm to assist in the oversight of the performance of all contractors for the entire JFK Redevelopment Program.

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The selected firm will also provide construction management and coordination services with other ongoing construction projects related to the JFK Redevelopment Program.

The scope of the work for the RFP includes performing multi-discipline civil, structural, electrical, traffic, and mechanical engineering, and construction management and support services required for the JFK Redevelopment Program.

Projects include the major terminals, design-build construction contracts for new parking garages and substations, as well as construction of elevated roadways, utility infrastructure improvements, airfield modifications including work on new taxiways, demolition of buildings, and extensive management of traffic during construction.

The governor’s JFK Vision Plan, which was unveiled in 2017, calls for an overhaul of the airport’s eight fragmented terminal sites into one unified JFK Airport. This will be done by demolishing old terminals, utilizing vacant space, modernizing on-airport infrastructure, and creating a multi-tiered cargo modernization program, while incorporating the latest in passenger amenities and technological innovations.

As part of the JFK Vision Plan, the redevelopment also calls for increasing the number and size of gates, improving parking availability, adding an array of airside taxiway improvements to reduce gate congestion, upgrading the AirTrain JFK system to handle increased passenger capacity, and enhancing roadways on and off the airport.

The New York State Department of Transportation has targeted $1.5 billion in highway improvements, including improvements to the Van Wyck Expressway and the Kew Gardens Interchange.

Other key contributors to the JFK Redevelopment project were also selected after rigorous RFP selection processes, including: Mott MacDonald, a global engineering firm, and its project partner Grimshaw Architects, which has significant experience in airport design and development; and program and project management consultant HNTB.


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