Scattered site development to include 53 energy efficient homes in Rochester


New York Construction News staff writer

Construction is underway to build 53 new homes across Rochester’s Beechwood neighborhood. The $27 million scattered site development starts with the demolition of obsolete properties operated by the Rochester Housing Authority and the substantial rehabilitation of others to create homes across 25 separate locations.

Located primarily within the Beechwood neighborhood, the project is a collaboration with the Beechwood Neighborhood Association with the goal of enhancing the neighborhood’s character.

“By rehabilitating or replacing dilapidated properties across two dozen locations, this new development will be transformative for the city’s Beechwood neighborhood,” said New York State Homes and Community Renewal Commissioner RuthAnne Visnauskas. Our investment is preserving much-needed public housing stock, providing supportive homes for vulnerable individuals, and improving quality of life for current and future residents. Thank you to all our public and private partners who have played an integral role in making this development a reality for Rochester.”

As part of construction, eight blighted structures at the Rochester Housing Authority’s Federal Street property, will be demolished and replaced with two low-rise multi-family buildings and a single-family home, for a total of 18 homes.

The additional construction sites will involve the replacement or substantial rehabilitation of 35 existing homes. Homes will be a mix of two-, three-, and four-bedroom units affordable to households earning between 30 and 90 percent of the Area Median Income.

Designed to meet the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority’s New Construction — Housing Program Tier 4 criteria, the buildings will utilize Energy Star appliances, low-flow water fixtures, and LED lighting. Solar panels will also be installed on one of the buildings at the Federal Street site. Improvements to the rehabilitated homes will include new high-efficiency boilers, improved ventilation, enhanced insulation, and window replacements. The Federal Street site will also include free Wi-Fi, an electric vehicle charging station, and a playground.

In the last five years, New York State Homes and Community Renewal has spent over $200 million to create or preserve more than 2,100 affordable apartments in the city of Rochester, including the recently completed Edna Craven Estates.

“Edgemere Development is thankful for the support, hard work and cooperation needed to make this important project happen,” said Chris Rolan, partner and vice president, Edgemere Development. This project marks the beginning of a new endeavor for the Housing Authority, and we are excited to see their plans come to fruition for the community and its residents.”


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