Syracuse to require contractors to hire local construction workers


New policies announced this week by the City of Syracuse will require project developers to hire more construction workers who are city residents and to contract with city or state certified minority and women business enterprises located within the County (MWBE).

Mayor Ben Walsh announced the adoption by the City of Syracuse Industrial Development Agency (SIDA) of new polices to require project developers to observe. The SIDA Board of Directors also approved new provisions to stimulate more affordable housing in the city of Syracuse.

“These new SIDA policies align the interests of the community, project developers and the city,“ Walsh said. “With these policies, the city becomes an even stronger partner in the Syracuse Build initiative to increase careers and opportunity in the construction industry for women, people of color, veterans and city residents.”

New SIDA policies approved were developed in coordination with local developers, Urban Jobs Task Force and other community partners. They are expected to be effective Jan. 1, 2023 and require:

  • Any project undertaken by SIDA to commit to hiring 10% of its construction workforce from residents of the city
  • Any project undertaken by SIDA to commit to hiring 10% of the value of its SIDA benefits to hiring MWBE vendors during the construction phase
  • Any project that dedicates more than 70% of its total square footage to housing must set aside 20% of the units to rent to tenants at or below 80% of the area median income (AMI) at rent equal to more than 30% of income, inclusive of utilities.

“SIDA’s policies mean more city residents and more MWBE enterprises will benefit from the City’s investment in economic development projects,” Walsh said. “They will also lead to more quality, affordable workforce housing in Syracuse.”

SIDA also authorized incentives to qualified projects to increase PILOT benefits by undertaking and performing a community benefit for residents of the city. Such community benefits include participation in the City’s Summer Youth Employment Program, development of an internship program in conjunction with the Syracuse City School District, and dedication of funds to support Syracuse Build, the Greater Syracuse Land Bank or the Syracuse Parks Conservancy.


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