Top Women in Construction – Margot Dirks: Leading the way in achieving results and advocating for clients


New York Construction Report special feature

In the historically male-dominated world of real estate development and construction, Margot Dirks, a partner and director at DBI Projects, demonstrates remarkable leadership and dedication, driving transformative projects forward and earning the trust and respect of her clients, colleagues, and collaborators in the meantime.

Her remarkable leadership and dedication have made her a top woman in the business, and her journey inspires others to aspire beyond what they believe is possible for themselves.
New York Construction Report is pleased to honor and congratulate Margot as a Top Woman in Construction for 2023.

“Nothing excites me more than seeing results and progress, whether it’s an aggressive construction schedule being executed with care and diligence, or the opening of a new project,” Dirks says. “Clients today seek project teams that reflect their mission and values, who provide them with transparency and honesty in their management style. I believe recognizing that need is a pathway to success and building lasting relationships.”

Marget dirks replacementA leader in the construction an real estate sector

Margot’s impressive professional journey throughout her tenure at DBI, has seen her grow from a young manager into a leadership role. In this role she serves as partner-in-charge of a large team of project managers, directing a portfolio of multiple complex projects.
Propelled by her intellect and discipline, Dirks has led some of the largest and most intricate projects in the DBI Projects office. Notably, she recently completed the transformation of a 120-year-old former icehouse into the DREAM Mott Haven Campus, a massive 160,000-sq. ft. project that reaffirms the vital role of schools in urban environments.

On behalf of the Brooklyn-based client Newlab, Dirks also recently oversaw the development of their new home at Michigan Central, an extensive 270,000-sq. ft. mobility innovation center in the center of Detroit. This project exemplifies her ability to navigate complex partnerships, bringing together project partners including Newlab, Ford, and Michigan Central. Margot’s collaborative approach and strategic thinking were instrumental in driving the landmark project forward successfully.

Her passion for education and mission-driven clients shines through in her work, and she and her team take pride in helping to deliver spaces that create unique educational experiences.

“Margot is both a strategic leader and team player who is an excellent voice and representative for her clients, ensuring their needs are met and their projects are executed successfully every time,” says Richard Berlin, co-CEO at DREAM Charter School. “She understands key dynamics and never slows down, welcoming new challenges and passionate about delivering transformational results.”

A proven advocate for clients

Margot Dirks’ role as an Owner’s Representative and Project Manager allows her to provide
expert guidance throughout real estate transactions and project management. Clients benefit from her exceptional ability to explain complex problems in a clear and approachable manner, empowering them to make well-informed decisions.

Testimonials from Margot’s DBI team members consistently highlight her tenacity, fairness, and dedication to her clients’ goals. DBI Senior Project Manager Ester Ehrlich notes that “Margot’s ability to resolve problems and think quickly makes her a valuable asset on any project, finding innovative solutions and moving projects forward in a timely manner. As an Owner’s Representative and Project Manager, she serves as an advocate and voice for her clients, navigating real estate transactions and overseeing the entire project life cycle.”
Inspiring the Next Generation

Margot Dirks’ journey inspires those at DBI who are starting their careers, providing advice to be curious, proactive, and confident. As a mentor and advocate, Margot prioritizes building strong relationships and promoting mutual respect among teams, both internally and externally, fostering collaboration and innovation.

With her positivity and drive, Dirks continues to pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable industry, one where women continue to make remarkable strides.

“Experiencing major construction milestones and witnessing the successful opening of new projects with my team is incredibly rewarding. These moments showcase the collective efforts and dedication of everyone involved,” Dirks says. “What excites me the most about my job is the opportunity to collaborate with people of many different skills and talents every day.”

“I’m passionate about providing opportunities to up-and-coming professionals, and inspiring women. Ensuring a seat at the table for all is crucial for fostering an inclusive construction industry.”

Dirks’ journey to becoming a top woman in the construction business is a testament to her exceptional talent, leadership, and unwavering commitment to her clients and projects. She is a true force and Margot’s future is inspiring and empowering the next generation of women in construction.


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